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Academic Publications

Books, Book Chapters, Peer-Reviewed Articles, & Professional Reports

(Please contact for available copies if needed)


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Vazquez, B., Waite, K., Madden, L. What Teachers Want to Know About Teaching Climate Change: An Educator's Guide To Nurturing Hope and Resilience (K-12). Corwin Press. 



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Book Chapters

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Whitcraft, C., Lê, K., Waite, K., Jim Clifford, J., and Ifeji, A. (2025). Climate Change Education in the US: Cases from California, Connecticut, and Maine. In L. Madden (Ed.), Climate Change Education Across Disciplines K-12: New Jersey and Beyond. Rowman & Littlefield. 



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Expected Publication Date: Summer 2025.

Waite, K. (2025). Intersectionality and Coalition Building in Manzanar, Diverted: When Water Becomes Dust. In UCLA Multimedia Textbook on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. UCLA Asian American Studies Center.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Accepted, In Press

Waite, K., & Burgin, J. Joyful STEAM Civics: Interdisciplinary learning collaborations between TK-2 students and scientists. Social Studies and the Young Learner.

Waite, K. Zines in the social studies classroom: A pedagogy of teaching for social justice. Social Education. 

Accepted, In Press.

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Waite, K. (2024). Pocket-sized strategies: Nature Activities for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Journal of Geography. 123(2-3), 65-70.



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Waite, K. (2024). Teaching for environmental justice: Learning from the film "Manzanar, Diverted: When Water Becomes Dust." Social Education, 88(3), 148-152. 

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Waite, K. (2024). Portraiture methodology for environmental justice pedagogy and activist praxis.  International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37(9), 2672-2686.



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Waite, K & Burgin, J. (2023). Interdisciplinary learning partnerships between TK-2 students and scientists for environmental civic learning. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 36(1), 20-26.


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Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy

Waite, K. (2022). (Re)constructing environmental history: Excavating ecomemory with ecowomanist and intersectional AsianCrit framing for eco-justice pedagogical praxis. Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy, 21(4), 396-417. 



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Waite, K. (2021). Kindergarten deforestation experts: Interdisciplinary learning for understanding and addressing global issues. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 8(3) 20-39. 



Professional Reports

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Notable Trade Book Committee Member

An, S., Boucher Burgardt, K.L., Early, L., Hadley, K.J., Kim, K., Louie, B.Y., Martinez, A.M., Roberts, S.L., Simpson, T.S., Torres, J., Van Haren, K., Waite, K., Walker, V.S., West, L. (2024). Notable social studies trade books for young people 2024. 88(3). National Council for the Social Studies & Children’s Book Council.


Notable Trade Book Committee Member

An, S., Boucher Burgardt, K.L., Early, L., Hadley, K.J., Kim, K., Louie, B.Y., Martinez, A.M., Roberts, S.L., Simpson, T.S., Torres, J., Van Haren, K., Waite, K., Walker, V.S., West, L. (2023). Notable social studies trade books for young people 2023. 87(3). National Council for the Social Studies & Children’s Book Council.


Notable Trade Book Committee Member

Pitts, B.R., An, S., Early, L., Hadley, K. J., Louie, B.Y., Howard, C.L., Roberts, S.L., Rodriguez, N.N., Schroeder, S.S., Simpson. T.S., Van Haren, K., Waite, K., West, L. (2022). Notable social studies tradebooks for young people 2022. 86(3). National Council for the Social Studies & Children’s Book Council. 

Contributing author

V. Ramanathan, M. Suárez-Orozco, M. Grenot-Scheyer, F. Uy, R. Arum, K. Cowe, J. Grace, B. Murchison, C. Ney and E. Schell, et al. Achieving climate stability and environment sustainability: PK–12 education as part of the solution for bending the curve. Published by the UC–CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Project and Summit Steering Committee. Ed: Leigh Leveen, Published by the University of California at Los Angeles 2019. 




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